A modern manifest that dares to celebrate women as they are.
Unfiltered and unbridled.

Dedicated to the woman who desires more. 

An ode to the journey

Journeys. Small steps, larger leaps and great bounds. 

Issue one is about journeys in every form: artistic ones that meander and  circuit around their subject before nailing down their expression; physical  ones that are staggered, hot and arduous; and emotional ones, whether they’re unravelled through a relationship or by going deeper into yourself. 

This issue tracks how women travel from one place to another — through time, through place — and what they learned along the way. 

And, what was waiting for them on the other side. 

The women in issue 01.


A woman in many dimensions

Archibald Prize winner and artist Julia Gutman takes The Everywoman into her studio.

Words by Diana Reid
Photography by Anne Peeters


earth and sky

At dawn, she’ll rise. Before the heat stirs and becomes venomous. She hurries forward into the wispy dunes, sand rising up like tendrils. Beneath her, the fluid ground is already simmering, dry and warm. Her eyes are focused on all that is before her. The path emerges one footstep at a time. The earth rises to meet her. The connection is strong, unwavering. If she stops to listen for a moment, she can almost hear its heartbeat, syncopated against her own. It’s not even ground, her footing is precarious at times, the way confusing and often obscured for miles at a stretch. Sometimes the wind shifts and she loses her way, loses her place in the story. But she follows the dunes until the shadows of yesterday disappear. Onwards. Upwards. Forwards. The land begins to show her different colours, pulling her into a whirl of heavenly shades of red, pink and orange. Gently, she moves forward to a new horizon.

Issue 01.

An ode to the journey